Save a Windows® icon as Macintosh® format

It could be useful to save an opened Windows® icon to Macintosh®. This is an handy way to convert and icon from one system to another. Various file formats are available for saving Macintosh® icons:

Saving a Windows® icon using a Macintosh® format

1. Open a Macintosh® icon. Choose File/Save As

2. Choose File/Save As, select Macintosh® (ICNS, RSC or BIN) as file type and specify a new name.


2. Choose File/Save As Macintosh® Icon... (Ctrl+Alt+S), select the Macintosh® file format (see above) and specify a new name.


2. Click the following button on the toolbar, select the Macintosh® file format (see above) and specify a new name for this icon.

3. Click on the Save button


Remark about the Macintosh® icon format

The following table shows the common Macintosh® image formats:

Macintosh® icon format is not open. You cannot add image formats which are not defined in Macintosh® icon specifications. See above, some image formats are not available.

During the save operation you may be prompted to confirm loss of Windows® specific image formats not available in Macintosh® icons.