Show/hide the Toolbars

The main toolbar is Internet File Browser®-like and you can fully customizing it. You can add/remove buttons or change the order they are displayed, show/hide labels and areas and more...

Show/hide the Main Toolbar

Document windows contain local toolbars. To hide the local toolbar of a document window, select it and follow this procedure:

1. Right-click on the main toolbar or the top menu and choose Standard Buttons in the menu or press F9.

Show/hide the Recently Used Bar

This bar permits to quick open a file in the application. It contains a long edit zone and is usually located under the main toolbar.

1. Right-click in the main toolbar or the top menu and choose Recently Used Bar to show/hide the bar.

Show/hide a Local Toolbar

Document windows contain local toolbars. To hide the local toolbar of a document window, select it and follow this procedure:

1. Choose View/Local Toolbar or press Alt+F9.

Show/hide the Status Bar

1. Choose View/Status Bar or press Alt+F8.

Show/hide the Librarian

1. Choose View/Librarian or press Esc.


When the command has a check mark next to it, it means that the toolbar is displayed. When you point to a menu command, the status bar at the bottom of the window displays a description of the command.