Working with icons in a library

Open an icon as a new icon from the library

This feature is useful if you want to use an icon contained in a library as a template to create a new icon.

1. First, select the icon library which contain the icon. Select on the icon you wish to use as template.

2. Right-click on it and choose Open As New Icon or press Ctrl+Shift+Onter.

3. A new window opens with the selected icon ready for modification. The link between this icon and the library does not exist anymore. Therefore, if you select File/Save, you'll be prompted to choose a new name for the icon file. It just work like a newly created icon.

Delete icons in a library

1. First, select the icon library which contain the icons to delete.

2. Once the library contents is displayed, select the icons you wish to delete (you can use Shift key to select several icons).

3. Right-click on them and choose Delete or press Del.

4. A dialog box Delete Icons opens. It asks you if you really want to permanently delete the selected icons from the current library.

This action can't be undone. If you choose "Yes", the icons will be lost forever. Choose 'No' to stop and go back.

Rename icons in a library

1. First, select the icon library which contain the icons to rename.

2. Once the library contents is displayed, select the icons you wish to rename (you can use Shift key to select several icons).

3. Right-click on them and choose Rename or press F6.

4. A dialog box Rename icons opens. Enter a New Name for the selected icons.

If you rename more icons, they are automatically indexed. For example, "computer" will be indexed by "computer 1", "computer 2", ... "computer n".

5. If the option Add 'zero' characters in indexes (001, 002 ...) is checked, 'zero' characters will be added in the names. For example, 27 items with new name Image will be renamed Image01, Image02 ... Image27.

 Sort icons by name in a library

1. First, select the icon library which contain the icons to sort.

2. Once the library contents is displayed, select the icons you wish to sort (you can use Shift key to select several icons). If you want to sort all the icons select them all (or just select one icon).

3. Choose Icon Library/Sort by name.

4. The icons are sorted using their names (in the selection only).

If you select only one icon in the library, Axialis IconWorkshop™ warns you that there is only one icon selected and propose you to sort all the icons

 Change icon order using drag a drop

1. Once the icons are selected, use mouse drag & drop to move them within the library.

If you press the Ctrl key while using drag & drop, the icons are duplicated.